Monday, November 30, 2009

Rated X Rant

*adult content*

When you think you can handle it, you are bloody lying to yourself. You think anger is an emotion you can check, just as any other. Just as you once thought you could check love. A lie. When you know that you don't fear anything or anyone, you become a fucking fool. Just when you think you've found yourself a life, you have it taken away.

You fuck yourself, rape your soul in the worst possible way and they see it as a show of strength they never knew you had. Is it the world that's being a cunt? Or am I?

I love you. The biggest epidemic lie. Often unknown to the sayer and the listener, it is the largest, widest and most happily sodomised asshole of a phrase.

What the fuck do I care if the world loves sodomy? I don't. Cause it leaves you a pitiable, regretful little pile of weakly pungent, rotten shit.

Leaves you wondering why.Why did you love such sodomy? Why did you feel fake bliss? Have you just become a dollop of faeces only now that it's over? Or, without knowing it, Have you always been one?


  1. Dude. whats the matter? why why are you doing this?? love is amazing. and you know that well. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dude, we need to talk. Well expressed though. Quite succinctly put. I understand that the content is something you really feel but I can't help but think that this entire blog can easily be a monologue from a typical Scorsese flick voiced-over by either Nicholson or Pacino. And also, the third paragraph is a literary equivalent of LSD.;)

  4. Uhhh..Whatever happened here? Hope you are past all of it now.

    Nov30th. Its a new year now. Some happy posts please.

    And yes. My blog is open. Try again. :p
