Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'm in a race i do not want to run.

It's just me against time.

A mad directionless race.

The finish line is only a fleeting vision in the dark. A distant dream. The path, unclear. A thicket of dense foliage. My horizon is a wall of trees at touching distance. And nothing visible beyond.

The dream, I'm not sure is one I wish to chase. But promises propel a hopeless pace. Like a machine without a soul programmed by external control, I run into enshrouding darkness towards an invisible goal...

In a race against time, is there an exit?

Like a single player game I'd wish to quit?

Or, like mice inside a wheel, do I just run on and simply make peace with it?


This endless pursuit is a piece of shit!

I'm done.

That's it.

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